Controversial Q: Can we take creatine to help absorb protein?

Last week in one of my classes, we had to give speeches on controversial subjects. One of the students spoke about creatine. The way he spoke about it, made me think perhaps its worth looking into. Now, I'm not talking about taking it to bulk up or anything like that. He passed around fact sheets about it and all it is supposed to do is absorb all the protein you ingest, as well as bring water to your muscles. If this stuff can help us absorb protein, wouldnt that be a good thing for us rny'ers? Just a thought anyhow. Has anyone else heard about this stuff? I've always thought it was like steroids and should be avoided like the plague. Anyhow, thought I'd ask. Annie    — Annie R. (posted on February 16, 2003)

February 16, 2003
Avoid as you suggested like the plague--our bodies are finely tuned w/ creatinine for normal renal (kidney) function. I have NEVER in 25 plus years of health care met anyone who was "prescribed or recommended creatinine" to achieve optimal health status--however I have treated PLENTY who have fooled with this delicate balance in the name of diet or body building, to find themselves grossly ill, in renal failure--to begin dialysis--near death's door. Stay away from the layman.....
   — Wannabe A.

February 16, 2003
Stick with the plague thinking. I would not touch it. No way, no how. Not for our bodies.
   — vitalady

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