Has anyone else noticed trouble with the bagged salads?

Is anyone else noticing a problem digesting the processed/bagged salads? I love the mixed greens and field greens but for the third time have had a horrible dumping episode after eating it. Fresh whole lettuce (from fresh head) does not bother me at all! I'm thinking it may be the preservative they put on the greens to keep them fresh and crisp. Today's dumping episode was violent and very tummy and intestines are still sore tonight. No more bagged salads for me! (bummer) Open RNY 330/205/175    — chelle3081 (posted on September 9, 2003)

September 9, 2003
I, too, have had problems with the bagged lettuce. I don't dump, but I do have severe problems with gas and cramping...I've learned to stay away from the prepared salads!
   — vittycat

September 9, 2003
It may be the BHT they put on it to keep it fresh. Have you tried the organic brands? They probably don't put anything sneaky on it . . .
   — ctyst

September 9, 2003
I feel your pain Michelle! I used to get sick on bag-O-salad pre-op, so I will not even go there post-op..I think it is the preservative, you can even smell it on the salad, it just smells funny...stick with the fresh stuff, it may be a little more laborous..but worth it! :-) Good Luck!
   — Beth K.

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