Are dried beans for us post op?

I was wondering if dried beans are good for us as post ops? I know they have a lot of protein in them but am kinda worried about the carbs in them. I don't do shakes and need to get all my protein in food. My surgeon does not want me to do the shakes or bars for some reason. I normally eat about 1/2 cup of dried beans 2 times per day at almost 9 months post. Is this okey or is 1/2 cup to much? I have not lost in 2 months and am really getting concerned if this may be the problem or maybe my body is just trying to catch up with what it has lost. The types I eat are pintos, limas and black eyes. Beans seems to be my favorite dish since surgery. who would have thought? any info on post op eating is greatly appreciated. My surgeon didn't give me any type of food plan and it has kind of been learn as I go.    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 28, 2002)

January 28, 2002
Hi. I have heard of many post ops eating beans without a problem (aside from the usual "musical" side effect! LOL) But the bigger concern is that it sounds like you're looking to them to for protein. Beans do have protein, but it is an incomplete protein. In order to benefit from the protein in beans, they must be eaten with a food that has the rest of the amino acids in it that the beans lack. The most common food that goes with beans is rice. And they must be eaten at the same meal so your body can do the "mixing" to make a complete set of amino acids (protein). JK, RN
   — Joya K.

January 28, 2002
Gee, aren't they awfully hard to chew? <snicker>
   — merri B.

January 28, 2002
If you can tolerate them, try roasted soy beans. I like Bar-b q flavor. A lil dry, but crunchy and full of protein...
   — Marie A.

January 28, 2002
My surgeon doesn't recommend the protein supplements either. I eat almost anything I want, in small quantities, and have been losing steadily. My protein values are always normal, and I don't obsess about getting an 'x' number of grams a day. I do try to 'pick' protein first though. I have been doing dried beans, cooked in the crock pot, since I came home from the hospital. I pureed them then, but now just the way they are. I can't eat them with rice, I get stuck. And 1/2 cup sounds fine. Your body is probably just 'catching up' like you said.
   — Cheri M.

January 29, 2002
At my 8 week check up I was not happy, nor was my doc, with my over all weight loss of only 31 pounds... Doc said cut the carbs and pump in protein... This included dried beans because they are so high in carbohydrates... I cut beans, bread, rice and potatoes... I have a VERY small serving from these foods maybe twice a week...sometimes three... but that is it.... My weight loss over the following two weeks after I started this was 27 pounds.. I am currently in my third week of low carb high protein.... I dont do protein drinks!
   — Pamela W.

March 7, 2002
I am upset that your doc did not give you dietary guidelines! The surgeon that did my RNY has a whole office of dieticians free of charge to us (and a Psychiatrist free of charge) for at least a year. March into his office and complain saying that this surgery is just a tool and you DO need guidance - especially after spending @$45,000!! It could be that you aren't walking enough? Best of Luck and if he wants to pattern his practice after someone have him contact The Bariatric Center of St. Vincent's Carmel Hospital, Carmel, IN 46260. -Marcy
   — Marcy T.

March 8, 2002
Merri, are you my long lost twin? I was thinking, "only if you cook them first!"<p>I eat beans occasionally and I don't think 1/2 cup is too much at 9 months post. I look at my total protein intake for the day and if I haven't had enough by the time I leave work I eat really high protein in the evening and have a shake or some cheese before bed. How much protein are you getting a day? I average out to about 100 grams a day and I am 10 months out. I would say that is far more important than the content of one particular food you are eating. I also went thru a plateau for a couple of months but have slowly started to drop again. I upped my protein to the 100 grams, ate less sugar, and started drinking more water. Good luck!
   — ctyst

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