
I am seven weeks post-op and I was wondering can we have grapes? I have heard that grapes are not really good for us(sugar content)    — Marcia J. (posted on September 5, 2002)

September 5, 2002
MMmmmMMMmm I love grapes. Ice cold ones without seeds of caurse! I started eating them early on and had no problem. Enjoy~~~~Connie
   — Sassy M.

September 5, 2002
I think it depends on the person. I dumped on just 6 grapes! They have a lot of concentrated suger....especially this year with some drought conditions around. I also cannot eat bananas. All other fruit is wonderful though and I have no problems with them. Good luck to you!
   — Leah H.

September 5, 2002
I love grapes ( seedless ). I just dont eat the skins. I wouldn't sit down and eat a whole half cup of them, it just add a few when I am having watermelon and cantaloupe and banana mixture.
   — domestic G.

September 5, 2002
My dr recommended avoiding grapes during the healing period right after surgery because of the skins. At 6 weeks I was released to eat whatever. I don't know what your dr's guidelines are but you might ask. I have never dumped on fruit, but everyone's different. I love grapes and canteloupe and watermelon cuz I can't ever get enough water in and these are so refreshing.
   — ctyst

September 5, 2002
I dump on grapes also. Just be careful and all you can really do is see how it effects you. Good luck!
   — Yvonne C.

September 5, 2002
I have been eating grapes for some time just make sure you chew them good.
   — charanewme

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