How many have found that a year or so after reaching goal, your skin

looks somewhat better than it did when you first lost the weight? I keep hearing that you need to give the skin time to come back before you decide on cosmetic surgery -- I just want to know if there was anyone who was sure they would need it, and changed their mind after being at a stable weight for a while?    — Jennifer W. (posted on February 12, 2003)

February 12, 2003
I could be wrong in this and someone who knows better might correct me on it, but I remember hearing or reading that it takes your skin 18-24 months to fully catch up to your weight loss, as far as going back into shape. If you don't mind waiting, you can always have plastic surgery after that time if you aren't satisfied with the results.
   — cherryswitch

February 12, 2003
Thanks for asking this question! I am also hoping to hear from those who have "been there done that" to see if it is really true! (Weigh 134 --10 mo post op at 5'4")
   — A. S.

February 12, 2003
Marcia... I agree with your post 100%
   — Karen R.

February 12, 2003
I went to see a plastic surgeon at about 1 yr. post op. He said with my skin tone I should wait another year because he believed my skin would get tighter. He was right. My arms and legs look much like normal ones and my stomach looks pretty flat. Not bad for an old broad!
   — Rose A.

February 12, 2003
I'm 15 months post op and trust me, my skin on my thighs and upper arms look TERRIBLE!!
   — Patty H.

February 12, 2003
I am 21 months post-op and have been down to goal for about 13 months. When I first lost all the weight (pretty quickly too) what I noticed was that everthing was flat. I have always had a round stick-out butt. But after the weight loss is was unbelievably flat. I looked pretty thin. Now the last 6 months or so it seems everything has fallen back to where it belongs. My butt is round (but more nice this time) again and I look *normal* shaped. I also have been weight lifting 5 days a week for a year and although my arms are pretty good I definitely still have minor bat wings. Nothing but surgery will correct that.
   — Maureen P.

February 13, 2003
I had a rebound after I had been at the same weight for several months. I looked pretty gross right after I hit goal in the stomach and breasts (luckily my thighs and arms were not too bad). Either it has gotten better or I have gotten used to it. :) I also had a "redistribution" a couple of months ago and I went down another size due to my panni flattening out further. It really stuck out before. I didn't lose any weight, but my panni got smaller. You could have knocked me over with a feather! BTW I am 21 months out and lost 100+ pounds. I have been at the same weight for 11 months.
   — ctyst

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