I am depressed i am 6 weks post-op and ave only lost 30lbs

I feel like i am a failure at this to, i read other peoples posts and see pics of others and they are loosing faster than me. I hope that this isnt all i am going to loose...    — roxxyblue72 (posted on May 23, 2003)

May 23, 2003
Roxanne, Dont give up..I was the same way..I had my surgery on 12/05/02. Others lost twice as much as me in same number of weeks..I have finally slowly started losing..and am now down 71 LBS...I never thought I was going to do it but it is going!!!! I just walk about 15 minutes a day, make sure I get 75 Grams of protein in,,try not to snack too much...Nancy
   — NANCY P.

May 23, 2003
Roxanne, I too am 6-weeks post op (almost 7-weeks post op) and have lost just over 30 lbs. You're not alone. When I brought it up to my surgeon....he stopped me in my tracks and said...."Kim, this is not a race". Put me in my place that's for sure. He's right. It isn't a race. Be patient. :)
   — Kim L.

May 23, 2003
Hi, Roxanne Everyoen looses at different rates depends on how much they started out at too. People who weigh more usually lose alittle faster, but you are doing great so far, When I was 6 weeks post I had lost around 35-39 lbs. and I hit plenty of platueas so i think your right on target so please don't get discourged it will come off! Down 70lbs. total so far and 4 mths. post Good luck!
   — Melodee S.

May 23, 2003
I feel that exercise helps a lot in addition to following your doctor's orders when it comes to eating/water in take. I've lost 60 pounds in 10 weeks and I credit a huge portion of my success to working out. Everyone will lose at different a pace. I feel that I have been given a gift and it's my choice on how to use it. In my experience, my successes has been a lot better since I have stepped up the exercise. Best Wishes,
   — Heather S.

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