I am 4 weeks post-op and feel like I am eating too much, too fast

I am 4 weeks post-op and feel like I can eat way too much. My doctor says to strive for 1/2 - 1 cup and most times I can eat the 1 full cup and not really feel full. When does that sensation kick in? Ever? I am still eating pureed foods -- cottage cheese, applesauce, etc. and I seem to eat my meals in about 20 minutes. I don't know if I am eating too much, too fast or what! Help!!!! I've lost 25 pounds and don't want to go back there!    — Laura P. (posted on January 8, 2001)

January 8, 2001
Dear Laura, you're obviously doing something right! 25 lbs? Great job! At 4 weeks post op I was wondering the same thing. Once you get to solids you'll feel fuller. If it takes you 20 minutes to eat 1/2 to 1 cup of purreed food, your pouch is emptying as your spooning it in. It will all work out hon. Hang in there and keep doing exactly what you're doing! Much love,
   — Alicia B.

January 9, 2001
Laura, I'm with you. I will be 4 weeks post on Fri. (BTC Ohio, Dr. K.) and I worry that I can eat too much too. I lost 21 lbs at my check-up last Wed. But I have been at a stand still since. I can drink a whole cup of hot chocolate or cream soup. I did puree some chili and I couldn't eat as much of it as I do other things. So far I have never thrown up (knock on wood). I have also had difficulty learning to eat slow. This was a problem for me before and I really have to concentrate on it. I think deep down I have a fear of failing at this too.
   — Lisa P.

January 9, 2001
Hi Laura. I'm 3 1/2 weeks post op and am beginning to eat real food, even though I chew, chew, chew them. When I was on pureed foods and liquids I always felt hungry. My doctor said it's because these types of food pass through the pouch so quickly. No that I can eat small quantities of regular foods I find I am finally satisfied, not hungry, and if I eat slow enough I begin to feel that full sensation I was not getting with the soft foods. Hope this helps. Hang in there.
   — Carol R.

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