Age - Can a 21 year old avoid plastic surgery for excess skin?

I am 21 years old and I'm wondering if ANYONE has had a lap RNY at 21 and also had enough elasticity left that they did not need plastic/cosmetic/reconstructive surgery? Or even if you know anyone around this age that did and you can tell me about it! I am 300lbs and 5'7", and have been obese all my life, if this helps you estimate/determine for me? Also, if anyone knows of a site that lists plastic surgeries done and the insurances that covered them for each person?? (Like we have on here, listing the procedure, BMI, aproved after first letter, comments, etc:) Thanks!    — Lana P. (posted on January 13, 2001)

January 13, 2001
I heard either under 30 or under 40 (you are safe either way:) is the magic number in age for the best elasticity of skin. We are all different, though, so noone can predict for you. I am 41 and working like a dog to try and get my skin to snap back. I am 1 year postop and I will give it another year before I do anyhting about my hanging skin.
   — M B.

January 13, 2001
I lost 110 pounds via diet and exercise when I was 31 and had NO problems with sagging skin.
   — [Anonymous]

May 10, 2001
I had my surgery at 22 yrs. old. I am 7 months post-op and have lost 65pds. I was weighing 252 and now I'm 187. This is the best thing I could have done. My skin is going in with my weight. I'm not having excess skin problems yet. I'm in nursing school and in class they said when you are young your skin stretch back in place. Remember everybody is different.
   — Aisha T.

November 29, 2001
HI, I am 21 and plan to have surgery. I have a son and may have some insight for you. I was overweight when I got pregnant and I already had stretch marks. I asked if I would get more or if they would get worse and my doctor said "Most definately". Once your skin loses it's elasticity then that is it. So my stomack is even worse now and I know that after I get to my goal weight I will need a tummy tuck. Look at your body and see if and where you have strech marks, that might indicate where you will have loose skin.
   — [Anonymous]

May 16, 2004
well, I am 21 Male, and I had the lap RNY surgery. I am 1 year post op and I lost well over 150lbs <from 350 to 185> and yes I am going to need "some" plastic surgery. I will surely need an abdominoplasty, and I am looking into possibly a chest lift. It all depends on where you had the neck arms and legs all tightened back up, however the most of my weight was in my stomach and yes, i had "man boobs"... well i lost the weight and started working out, and now, I can feel a six pack under all that skin, and a rock hard chest...but i have sagging skin above it...
   — Jaredsfa2004

May 17, 2004
I had WLS at 23 years of age. I am now 9 months post op and I do have sagging skin. I have went from 338 to 207. My arms sag, inner thighs, tummy, and breasts too. I am going to have surgery to put them back in place when I get to goal. SO I guess the answer to your question is everyone is different. I know that some of the older people in my support group have less sagging skin than I do. It is kinda a wait and see for each individual.
   — Raine180

October 28, 2005
I know this is like years later, but I have to tell you that my experience with this is unfortunately "nope". I was 20 when I had Lap RNY (9/13/04) & I am almost 14 months out. This skin is not going anywhere, no matter how much I lift or's depressing. They told me that I shouldn't have to worry about it...and some don't. I think it depends on your size & your body type really. Anyway, sorry if this post is wayyyyy off the time frame. :o)
   — KBlough10

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