Would like to hear from patients of Dr.Rupp's(mn)that have had VGB.

Please contact me and let me know what your outcomes have been and have you been happy. I am waiting for a surgery date and am getting really nervous.    — Jessica J. (posted on August 7, 2001)

August 7, 2001
I just had a VBG done 7 days ago with Dr. Rupp. He is wonderful! He has a very good personality and yet is very professional. I went home from the hosital on my 4th day and am feeling better every day. I would highly recommend him -- I have had absoloutly no problems at all, and I can tell already that it is helping and that my scar is going to be miminal when it is done healing. I was very nervous myself at first and a week later I know that this is the best thing that I have ever done for myself. Best wishes to you -- you are in good hands!
   — Tammy H.

August 12, 2001
I will be having surgery with Dr. Rupp on September 5th, 2001. My cousin had surgery with him and is doing great, and losing weight! I have a consultation with him on August 16th. I can't wait to meet him. I have questions to ask, and I hope it all goes good.
   — Jennifer C.

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