What the difference between the micro pouch and the fobi pouch

I am just wondering what the difference is between the Micro Pouch procedure and the Fobi Pouch? Which is better and what are the chance of either one of the pouches stretching out and or does it not happen with either one? Also how stretched can your pouch actually get even if when you have the procedure done they totally disconnect the other part of your stomach from your new one?    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 5, 2002)

January 5, 2002
i have no idea what a micro pouch is but i have a variation of the fobi pouch. my tummy is not cut apart, just stapled & stitched, but, i do have the silastic band to control the flow of food. dr fobi is wonderful. i had a consult with him & he is a very caring & sensitive man. but, he gets paid up front. my surgeon accepts my insurance & is also very caring & sensitive. i was glad he does the 'fobi type' procedure. i know they both have u on pureed foods for the first six weeks. i am a little sick of them at 2 weeks out but, on the other hand, its very easy for the food to go down. good luck to u!
   — sheryl titone

January 5, 2002
I don't know what the fobi pouch is but I have the micropouch. My micropouch has been transected from the rest of my stomach using only the very top of my stomach which is non elastic. My stomach is also about the size of a grape but I can eat quite a bit. I just choose wisely what I eat. I have dropped almost 100 lbs in a little over 5 months and feel great.
   — Christine H.

January 5, 2002
Micro pouch does not stretch, no need for revisions. I love mine....... read all about it @ It is the same as an RNY only the pouch size is smaller and made with the upper, non elastic part of the stomach. I too can eat quite alot. I am 5 months out and have lost 93 lbs. 150cm of intestines are bypassed. The doctors are the best! The above website, tells it all, even when and where the seminars will be held in your area.
   — Phiddy B.

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