Can anyone eat unfried Spring rolls easily?

Hi, prior to surgery I loved vietnamese foods, especially spring rolls which normally consist of rice paper, noodles, pork, shrimp and lettuce rolled up, and dipped in a spicy sweet sauce. Any one else out there able to eat these and other Asian foods well? I'm newly post-op craving these, and next week go onto regular foods.    — Tabatha M. (posted on June 13, 2002)

June 13, 2002
hi tabath. i had open rny 6 months ago and at the 4 month stage i could eat 1/2 a spring roll of normal size . i baked it on aking paper and half way through just turned it over and blotted it with absorbent paper. i couldnt eat the sweet chilli dipping sauces and also no bbq sauce from mcdonalds that i used to use with springrolls as i dumped straight away on the sauce but i hav mine now with soyasauce. as a matter of fact i am having it tonight for dinner. but be prepared the things we crave are sometimes the hardest for us to eat as we tend to try and gulp it down without realising and also when we do eat it its not what it seems anymore.. good luck on your journey its a exciting rise...
   — Rachel F.

June 14, 2002
I am with the previous poster--the spring roll itself would probably not be a problem, but the sauce is high in sugar and may cause you to dump. Being so newly post op you may want to stick to simple foods for a couple weeks to see what your tolerance is for solids. It would be a shame to get sick on one of your favorite foods and have it ruined for you! I have been able to eat Asian foods just fine from about 3 mos out on, staying away from fried stuff and sugars. I can now eat a regular fried spring roll if I choose, but it fills me up and I don't want anything else, so . . .
   — ctyst

June 14, 2002
I can eat boneless pork spareribs, steak or chicken teriyaki, and I also go to a Vietnamese place and get their teriyaki chicken, no problems w/any of it. hey, at least it's protein. :) lap rny 2/8/02, down 65 lbs
   — GGinMA

June 14, 2002
Hi I am three months post-op and have had Vietnamese food on a few different occasions.The first time I tried spring rolls was at two months post-op. Vietnamese food is one of my favorites. My husband is half Vietnamese so the food is important to us. I ate spring rolls two nights ago. I ate almost a full roll and then had some pho beef noodle soup. It was great and totally hit the spot. I had no problems. It did seem to stick with me a lot longer than most foods. Good luck.
   — kelly7275

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