I was 233 per op and BMI of 40. I have lost 30 lbs so far and am 5 weeks post op.

Can anyone tell me how much the weight loss slows down and how long I can expect it to take to get to my goal weight? I am scared that it will stop right here at 30lbs. I am so thankful for the 30lbs, and am not expecting miraicles but I am feeling unsure now. Thanks for any help. I don't post very often but when I do I get so much support! Thanks! trish    — Tricia B. (posted on August 6, 2003)

August 6, 2003
your best window of losing is the first 6 months , it comes off faster then and slows down each month there after. you can continue to lose up to 18 to 24 months if you follow the rules. you will do fine don't sweat it
   — rhondan

August 6, 2003
My surgery wt. was 230 I,m 15 months post-op and have lost 104 pounds my wt. now is 126. I have a wt. loss chart on my profile by the month if you like to ck. it out.Your doing great.
   — charanewme

August 6, 2003
Tricia Hi! I am 4 weeks out and down 26lbs. Like you, I am at a 2 week plateu. I was having the very same thoughts,...Oh this it? I am trying to increase my protein and am looking into buying a product online called RealMeals that offers these chewable tablets that have 30g. of protein in them a piece! That and excercise will kick start the weightloss again. A lot of people tell me that the same thing happend to them at about week 2 or 3. I think it's b/c our bodies just dumped a bunch of weight and now it's thinking that we are starving and wants to hold onto every last bit of fat to preserve. You know? Makes sense I guess, but it will let go again. Increase the calories a tad and see if that helps. Good Luck!
   — Michele B.

August 6, 2003
Hi Trish, My stats were very similar to yours. My BMI was 38 pre surgery. I lost about 85% of my weight the first 6 months. The remaining 15% came off over the following 3 months. You are doing great. My first month I lost 24 pounds. I strongly suggest that you stay with the protein and stay away from the carbs until you lose most of the weight. Best of luck! feel free to email me.
   — Stacy L.

August 7, 2003

   — Kim W.

August 7, 2003
Congratulations on your loss. I think 30 lbs. in 5 weeks is great - particularily because my BMI was 43 starting out (at 227 and 5'1"), and I've only lost 20 lbs. in 4 1/2 weeks. Whatever you're doing, keep on doing it.
   — sweetmana

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