I am 4 weeks post op and having problems eating.

My doctor is insisting that I eat meat and vegetables, but it is hard, I don't feel as if I am ready for that type of food yet, I rather just sip on something, I am not interested in chewing, and swallowing anything besides my vitamins. Any suggestions, for this is so frustrating, when you feel one way, but your doctor is telling you something else.    — Nathaline A. (posted on May 27, 2004)

May 27, 2004
You need to advance your diet slowly. Start with soft veggies, tuna and chicken salad etc. Moist foods go down easier. You may need to start with a bite or two and increase over time. This will make life easier in the long run when you should be getting your protein in food. I am 18 months post and eat a protein bar or drink a shake 5 days a week. Protein is SO important. I do this by choice and my protein/albumin levels are always very good.
   — dianne E.

May 27, 2004
Nathaline-- would you consider maybe cooking up something like a stew in a slow-cooker? Usually anything cooked that way is this side of puree in terms of texture-- very little chewing involved. When I first tried veggies after surgery, I steamed them to within an inch of their lives-- went down and stayed down. At 4 weeks post-op, you may just not be ready for meat (I wasn't, and everyone is different), so start out a little at a time. You may just have to puree things to start-- kind of like a stew "shake". Good luck and talk to your MD if this continues.
   — lizinPA

May 28, 2004
You need to do what your doctor says. If he says meat and veggies- eat them. We have to do a lot of things that are difficult or that we don't 'want' to after this surgery. There is a reason for his recommendation. Liquids are NOT what's best for you, and that's what your doctor is saying. Solid foods are. I agree with the other poster saying to try some homemade stews- this way the consistency is much softer. Also, try others meats from the crock pot, since it really tenderizes. Maybe some fish too, since that's softer. Good luck and listen to your doctor!

May 28, 2004
Personally, I think some doctors are ... well, I won't go there. My clinic did not have me eating any solids until after week six. I did clear liquids until day 7, full liquids for two weeks, pureed for two weeks, and soft for one week. I have never had a problem with eating foods or drinking my fluids since. I am convinced that such a conservative beginning helped my body to heal so that I could eat as I should once that initial period was behind me. Are you at least doing protein shakes to help keep your protein going in at a good rate? One suggestion that I could make is if you wish to try to follow the doctor's requirements is try pureeing your meats and veggies with some broth to make them much softer and easier to eat. That does work very well. Sandra
   — Arizona_Sun

May 28, 2004
Hi, I'm 6 weeks post-op and I can eat just about anything. The kinds of meat I started off with was fish, shrimp, tuna and chicken they diegest very well I have no problems and also cooked carrots they also work. Everbodies body is different so just try out what works best for you. Good luck to ya.
   — Sherry S.

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