How do you call the net that the doctors need to put because my muscles are too weak?

I will be operated in Lima, Peru, by one of the most prestigious physicians. He will do a classic abdominoplasty but has to place something like a moskito net to reinforce my muscles because they are too distended and would rupture easily. Has anyone had this procedure done?    — Maria R. (posted on October 27, 2004)

October 27, 2004
it is called surgical mesh
   — ChristineB

October 27, 2004
Mesh is used for repair of hernias when there is an opening or defect in the abdominal wall. There can be problems associated with it short term and long term. Using it in a standard tummy tuck, even with widely separated muscles, would be unusual. I am assuming you have lost weight and no longer have a distended or very large abdomen.
   — DrL

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