Why is it that most of the time I still feel hungry? I'm 5 weeks post op and

after I eat my meal I'm fine but about 45 minutes later I'm hungry again and I know this can't be good because snacking is what got me to this weight in the first place. I found a protein shake that gives me about 50 grams of protein and I do that around 9:00 a.m. all in all I'm getting more than 60 grams of protein a day and drinking my 64 oz of water. I started walking and have lost about 25 lbs. to date. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. I appreciate any advice. By the way I had open Rny w/gall bladder removal. Thank you.    — [Anonymous] (posted on April 14, 2000)

April 15, 2000
Barb is correct about the protein. It will help to break it down into 2 servings. I take about 35 in the am and 35 again in the late afternoon. I understand your frustration as I seem to be hungry a lot of the time. I am 6 1/2 months post op. I have always been an emotional eater and I am sure that is a lot of my problem. I have been struggling with ideas to make myself quit grazing also. One thing I have noticed is that if I eat protein when I feel hungry (small amts.) instead of carbs. I go much longer. I tend to want crackers since I rarely eat bread now. I have always loved bread. Try to be very conscious of what you are eating and maybe even write everything down for a short time and really take a look at your calorie intake. That can help you decide if you are eating enough. Also with exercise you will burn more calories. Figure that in also. 25 lbs is a great loss. Congratulations!!
   — Dot W.

April 15, 2000
I find that eating protein, as opposed to drinking a protein drink, leaves me more satisfied. I try to only use protein drinks when I've not met 60g of protein thru food. I eat 4-6 times a day, about every 3 hours, and average about 800-900 calories a day. 90% of what I eat is protein, and I'm usually satisfied. I did have difficulty during the transition from pureed stage (where I ate more often) to regular foods. I had lots of 'head hunger'. I also had a very hard time knowing when I was full. During this time, my doc suggested I take Meridia again - it helped with my 'head hunger' problems prior to surgery, and it really helped again during the 'transition stage'. I have kind of an aversion to liquid supplements - reminds me of the old optifast days - and it doesn't feel like 'normal eating' to me. Many people use protein drinks quite successfully. I find if I have something like low fat string cheese, 3 oz or yogurt, PB & J on crackers, fat free cream cheese & crackers, tortilla chips, lowfat cheese & salsa, as a mid morning or afternoon snack, and have 2-3 ounces of protein for each meal, I easily meet my daily protein intake without taking in alot of excess calories. Hope I gave you some ideas.
   — Toni B.

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