Is this normal to gain wght 3/5 mos post op?

I'm about 3.5 months post-op RNY, and as of my doctor's appointment last Wednesday, I'd lost 90 pounds. I usually weigh myself once a week on Monday morning. This past Monday, I weighed, and hadn't lost anything. I figure, no big deal...plateaus happen. So just to see if I'd lost anything over night (I've heard where some people lose a couple pounds overnight or during the day, for some reason) I weighed myself Tuesday morning. Nope, still stuck. Well. Bad me :( I decided to weigh myself AGAIN today, only to find that I've gained 1.5 pounds! I think this is my first offical plateau because I've lost pretty steadily until this point, but is it normal to gain weight on a plateau?? I'm trying to think of things I've done differently over the last week, but I really can't figure it out. I did buy an exercise ball on Saturday, and have been doing some toning exercises, trying to work on my thighs, butt, arms, etc., but nothing strenuous or vigorous. I'm eating and drinking the same amount that I always have. Anyone have any idea what this could be? Please help!    — Emily W. (posted on January 16, 2002)

January 16, 2002
Emily, it's very normal to gain a couple pounds during a plateau. The best thing you can do is not weigh yourself more than once a week. Otherwise you'll drive yourself nuts with the fluctuating numbers on the scale. Eventually, the plateau will break and you'll most likely have a sudden big drop in weight.
   — artistmama

January 16, 2002
This is WHY you told yourself to only weigh once a week. Now that you've strayed from it, it has become "the obsession". Weight fluctuates for everyone, day to day, depending on food/water/salt intake, hormones, whatever. I suggest staying off the scale till your next regular weigh day. Weight gain that is progressive, or lasts more than 3 weeks may be a "real" gain. 1.5 lbs day to day is nothing to be concerned about.
   — M. A. B.

January 16, 2002
Emily, isn't it scary when the scales read that way? I know it is and that is why I wanted to answer you. The other two posters are right. Weighing yourself daily, you can fluctuate from 1-4 pounds every day! Believe me, I know. When I started out, I was fanatical and weighed myself "at least" 2 times a day. If the numbers went up, I scared myself to death thinking I was doing something wrong. I laugh now thinking back to that time. Even though those numbers continued to fluctuate, they still kept going down eventually and I have lost everything I had to weightwise. From 280 to 120. Now, two and a half years later, I am lucky to weigh myself once a week and the scales never change. Same ole, same ole. It's hard to resist those scales but please try. They are not your friend every day....Every week you can visit that friend but no more. I swear you will like the numbers better that way. Good luck to you.
   — Barbara H.

January 16, 2002
Also, is it around your period time? Your weight fluctuates around this time up to 5 pounds because of bloating and water retension. It should go back down 3 or 4 days after your period is over. Good luck!
   — [Anonymous]

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