Is it standard for all surgeons to give patients these Restaurant cards?

OR it is only certain doctors that give out these cards? If my surgeon doesn't do the card thing, is there any where I can go to order one? Thanks.    — Kaideleigh (posted on January 27, 2002)

January 27, 2002
As a general rule, I don't think surgeon's give out these cards at all. I know mine didn't. You can print them off of this site. I don't know the exact link but they are on here. May want to check in the old questions area. Also, someone else might post that knows EXACTLY where to find them. Good Luck! Amy
   — purdue_1993

January 27, 2002
My surgeon gave me one and I totally appreciate it because it gives me a back up in case I ever have any problems~ a lil piece of mind. Its a personal choice, but if you dont get one from him, and want one, a lot of people have printable ones on their site. I would print it out and take it to Kinkos- get it printed on card stock and lamentated. =o)
   — laureng410

January 27, 2002
I just did a database search for 'restaurant card' and came up with the following link:
   — Jennifer Y.

January 27, 2002
I have no idea whether my surgeon will or not, but I did want to add something about them. If you are eating in a restaurant where you have a waiter or waitress, you can probably ask for a child's meal and get it. Another suggestion is to ask for a 'to go box' as soon as they serve your food and then put everything you know you won't eat into it. However, I have seen people who have been very upset that an all you can eat restaurant won't take the card and won't give them a discount. I don't think that's unreasonable. Once you are in the door at an all you can eat place, no one who works there is going to know how much or what you eat. I can't really fault that kind of restaurant for not being willing to accept the card.
   — garw

January 27, 2002
My surgeon does give out the card to his patients. I forgot to get mine so I can't testify as to how useful it is though. However, some of his other patients have had great luck with it at Golden Coral and Olive Garden. I think it is a matter of choice for the doctors and the restaurants certainly don't have to honor it.
   — Patty_Butler

January 27, 2002
problem I have with this is....Mostly junk food on the kids I just order off the regular menu...and take leftovers home.
   — [Anonymous]

January 27, 2002
The last anonymous poster could most likely have kept her nose out of this question since she had to be soo negative. It is an individuals right to do what they want to do with the card or in resturants. If I want to show a card that is my choice... I am proud that I had surgery and I have NOT a damn thing to hide. My hospital does not have the card.. but I was told that "this does not mean they wont in the future." Good luck to you......
   — Pamela W.

January 27, 2002
I had surgery at the Alvarado Clinic and I recieved a Card but havent even used it yet. I think its up to the clinic/dr that does your surgery. I carry my card around I cannot wait to use the previous posted said, this surgery should be something you should be proud of doing for your self, there is no shame in this. I have had such major compliments in my decision so I have no problem telling people about it. See if your dr will give you a card or print one off this never know it could be benificial to you in the long run. Just keep in mind that the resturants do not have to honor it though. good luck to u
   — Deanna Wise

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