Has anyone been approved thru the UnitedHealthcare POS insurance?

I'm waiting on my apt. on Monday with my family doctor to be referred to a surgeon. I was wondering if anyone had been approved thru my insurance before. I want to know my chances.    — Paula G. (posted on April 19, 2002)

April 18, 2002
I have United Health Care Options PPO and was just approved. My surgeon faxed my letter to them, I called just about every day, finally they had me refax the letter to a different department and I was approved. It took approx. a week. Good Luck
   — Patricia H.

April 19, 2002
I have UHC POS through SBC Communications and they have been wonderful. It took me 2 days to get approved for a RNY last year. One week for approval on a abdominoplasty. Even though it's the same insurance , alot of it depends on your employer and the exclusions in their plan. I wish you the best.
   — Kelly H.

April 19, 2002
I have UHC through SBC as well and I was approved in about 4 days. Great insurance. Pays 100%, no questions asked.
   — terrifogle40

April 19, 2002
Hello! I too have UHC POS. I was approved in less then 2 days. Best of luck to you!
   — Ericka S.

April 19, 2002
I also have this insurance. No problem. It is now taking up to 3 weeks for approval. They are being blasted with gastric by pass patients they told me. Just have your doctor document EVERYTHING and you should have no problem. Was approved first time out. My surgery is schedualed for June 5. Good luck to you.
   — sandy W.

May 7, 2002
I also have United HealthCare POS through my husband's employer, Amtrak. I had to have a few doctors write letters as well aswhy they felt it was medically necessary. Process started in July 2001 and I was just approved 2 weeks ago. Surgery is scheduled for October 1. Good luck.
   — Karen Stone

June 6, 2002
I also have United Healthcare POS through SBC and I have not had surgery yet but 3 of my co-workers have. They were all approved in less than a week and had their surgery from 3 month from the day they started to inquire about WLS. I dont need a referral from my doctor either. As long as the surgeon take my insurance I just go straight to the surgeon. I was pre-certified for surgery in a mater of hours. I anticipate a quick approval and to have surgery in July.
   — Jenna M.

August 12, 2002
I have United health Care POS through SBC Southwestern Bell and I was approved almost immediatley..My surgeon required pre certification before I could have my consultation. I did not need a referral to see the surgeon..I was approved on 7/1/02 had my consultation 8/8/02 and my surgery is scheduled for 9/24/02...Good Luck on your journey.
   — Lillie K.

August 12, 2002
No problem with Unitedhealthcare POS. I would first call and check to see if your Employer permits the surgery via the Insurance plan. Your employer sets the scale for the surgerys they permit the insurance company to offer.
   — Teresa H.

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