anyone else here eat a lot of sushi?

I have not been losing weight lately. As a matter of fact, I am very sad to report that I have regained eight pounds. :-(. I have been eating sushi for meals. I always thought this was a great low fat, high protein choice.I can comfortably eat 4 to 6 pieces. Anyone else just STOP losing at arounfd the 8 month post op period? Lisa in NY    — Lisa G. (posted on April 19, 2002)

April 19, 2002
I love sushi too (veggie for me - no fish). I'm pre-op and from what I've read on this board, I assumed I would have trouble eating it post-op because of the rice. Rice expands and a lot of people say it makes them sick post-op. The only way I can see sushi being a problem as far as weight loss is concerned is the rice part. It may be upping your carbs too much. If you eat fish, you might want at switch to sashimi instead.
   — Susan B.

April 19, 2002
I eat sushi occassionally, mostly california rolls, spicey tuna and philadelphia rolls. It never inhibited my weight loss; and I know that it's high in protein. I'd definitely look into other reasons as to why you're not losing. Good luck! BTW, I can eat two rolls at 20 months out.
   — Jeannet

April 19, 2002
Look at these numbers taken from fitday .com Calories 216.9 Total Carbohydrate 43.66g Protein 8.38g seems like this is enough carbs for someone eating300 gms of protein
   — Robert L.

May 13, 2002
I am 5 weeks post-op, and I ate some sushi last night (calif rolls), 5 pieces, made me vomit. I ate way too much. But, they do have a lot of carbs, and the rice has sugar and vinegar to make it sticky. Also, a lot of sushi makers use mayonnaise to put it together. You may also be going thru a plateau.
   — Kim C.

May 13, 2002
I eat california rolls and cucumber rolls all the time, but I do have one little trick I play to avoid all the carbs... I never eat the whole piece. I eat about 1/2, but all of the middle part, so when I am done I have a bunch of half eaten pieces of just the rice. This way I am getting all the good stuff with a taste of the rice with each piece, but reduce the carbs to half the amount. My husband always looks at my plate at the end and shakes his head in disbelief, but hey, works for me!
   — Vicki K.

July 12, 2002
One word - SASHIMI!!! Just get the fish instead of rolls. You can also get vegetables (edeneme, avocado, etc.) on the side. It's a little more expensive that rolls, but I'd rather pay for fish I can eat than rice I can't!
   — Tina D.

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