How does becoming pregnant after an RNY affect your WEIGHT?

I know that it's possible to have a healthy baby after your weight has stabilized (e.g., 1-2 yrs. post-op). However, my surgeon recommends that I finish having ALL of my babies before he does an RNY. He told me that pregnancy hormones stretch the entire abdominal area, including the stomach and intestines, and can therefore lead to weight re-gain. He said that, at the very least, women should wait at least 5 years before having a baby post-RNY, if they absolutely want to have a baby or if they couldn't get pregnant without losing the weight first. My surgeon has performed over 1500 RNYs, so I assume he has an idea of what he's talking about. Has anyone else heard about this? Has anyone experienced significant weight re-gain after a post-op pregnancy?    — Patricia E. (posted on July 5, 2002)

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