Anyone try Sams Choice clear American?

I am a pre op and I am trying new ways to get used to drinking water. I bought a few bottles of Sams Choice Clear American kiwi strawberry and it is caffeine free calorie free and sodium free and sugar free it however does have aspertaime in it and it is carbonated, but even if I leave the top off it still has a crisp tast, and is good. can it be counted as water or our 64 oz a day? it comes in bottles of 32oz and is only .58 cents at walmart. They also have new flavors ie. ruby red grapefruit BURST and watermelon BURST, and apple cider BURST, and peach mango... these are really good anyone else try them? Thanks    — wizz46 (posted on January 22, 2003)

January 22, 2003
I enjoyed this water throughly pre op, now no way simply beacuse of the fizz. There are other flavored non carbonated waters out there that help the palate after survery, but some can be pricey, I use lemon juice to make ice cubes or cranberry juice, it gives water a little chill and a touch of flavor.
   — Laurie B.

January 22, 2003
I used to drink these, but now that I'm 6 weeks post op, they are too sweet. And trust me, I was a sugar ADDICT pre-op. Nothing used to be too sweet for me! It's true when you read that your tastes change. Mine sure did!
   — Diana L.

January 22, 2003
I agree with the other posters..carbonation is not an issue now however post op it can cause stretching of the pouch. Try Fruit 2 0 It comes in many flavors and is a great refreshing change from plain old water. I buy it at sams club or walmart. In fact my kids love it too!
   — cindy O.

January 22, 2003
I love this stuff, BUT I find that if I drink it every day that the artificial sweetener causes cravings for me. I spoken to several people about this and have been following "The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet" and they pooh pooh artificial sweeteners for the exact reason that I mentioned above. However, I don't completely stay away from it because it's a great way to add some variety to my water intake. However, I do limit my intake (1/2 liter per day) and I only drink it at night after dinner. I notice that when I drink it during the day that my carb cravings start kicking in. Now that I'm almost 9 months post-op I have a little bit more of an appetite so the last thing I need are these darn carb cravings! Like I said, this is just what happens to may be different for you.
   — pam29922

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