What exactly will a revision due

I had a ROUX N Y in September 99 and am approved for a revision on May 22. Tonight my therapist asked me this. What exactly would a revision do for me. She also asked me to ask him if how many of his patients needed a secons surgery. I am just asking for opinions. If I have had the most serious of WLS. What exactly would they do in a revision.    — snicklefritz (posted on April 17, 2003)

April 17, 2003
You didnt give much detail on what type of RNY you had... So if you are having a revision; all I can assume is you have gained weight. More than likely; your original surgery you were NOT transected and you now have staple distruption; during the revision - I would HOPE your doctor would be doing a transection not just another staple line. If thats the case; you would have a small pouch again; be limited in the amount you can eat. You would NOT have any more malasoption. So in essance - you would be 'forced' to eat less.. thus loose weight.
   — star .

April 17, 2003
Are you on the Grad list yet? You might want to talk to many who've been revised already. I already had a distal RNY, so I kept that. I had SLD (year 5), and yes, most of us did SLD, but usually by the 2nd year. I was late. lol. In my revision, they just reconstructed the pouch and cut the old stomach away. The intestines were left as they were. I had built myself pre-op, had 4 months to dink around with ins, so was taking in a ton of protein supps, iron, vites C & E, in addition to my regular vites. My revision was totally uneventful, except for the inconveninece of having to take naps for 6 weeks. And yeah, if something went wrong, I'd do it again.
   — vitalady

April 17, 2003
oops: . Grads is for people one or more years out to POST. Anyone can lurk and I highly recommend it.
   — vitalady

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