What kinds of drinks are good to order at restraints and bars for a RNY ?

   — tony37354 (posted on December 25, 2003)

December 25, 2003
Anthony ~ Wow! First congrats on your wonderful success! You look terrific! I love to have a glass of wine or cocktail from time to time. I've had no problems whatsoever with wine, 7&7 or vodka-cranberry. I miss my beer sometimes, but not quite sure if I want to test the carbonation just yet. (I'll be 1 year post-op next week) I try to drink water at the same time and munch on popcorn, pretzels or peanuts too. I def feel the alcohol much quicker now. Just listen to your body. When you're feeling the alcohol, stop drinking or switch to nothing but water for a while. Cheers & Enjoy!!! Open RNY 1/3/03 330/182/175
   — chelle3081

December 25, 2003
After speaking with the head wine maker at one of the major wineries in the Napa Valley, he informed me that if it is a California wine, it CAN NOT have added sugars. One of the regulations for wine production and judging quality in California is that the wine has to rely on the natural sweetness/quality of the fruit used. He did say that different states/countries have different regulations. But I kow that if it says California on the back, then it won't have added sugar. I live in Michigan and checked with the St. Julian wineries....they add different types of sugars to their wines....particularly beet sugar, which I understand is a no-no for RnY-ers. <p> Another choice is to order orange juice, pineapple juice, and coconut rum on the rocks.....this is somewhat reminiscent of a pina-colada. You can also get it slushed, but I prefer it on the rocks. I usually ask for Parrot Bay coconut rum or Malibu coconut rum, but if they don't have either of those, then any coconut rum will do.<p> And lastly, someone recently told me of a festive type drink that I've never had, but it sounds good. It's called a Mimosa and is simply orange juice and champagne.
   — Lynette B.

December 25, 2003
I'll have a run and diet coke- I let the fizz come out a little. or a Michelob Ultra light lo carb beer. I've said bye-bye to my nice sweet drinks.
   — WABBIT F.

December 25, 2003
Since I dump on any an all alcohol, I just stick to cranberry juice with a lot of ice and wait for the ice to start melting, or I get a diet mountain dew, and pour it over ice a stir it up enough to kill the carbonation. I have found that I don't need to be drinking alcohol to have fun with my friends, and I am not going to do anything to make myself sick :)<br> No judgements, I just don't like to puke, you know? Especially if it means wasting all that good make-up time! LOL.
   — kultgirl

December 25, 2003
I go out every once in a while and stick to screwdrivers (orange juice and vodka), never had a problem dumping or anything. I make them at home too--but last night made the mistake of using a fruit punch type juice and ended up with reactive hypoglycemia, won't do that again.
   — Kimberley E.

December 26, 2003
I like a Grasshopper "once in a blue moon". I'm really a NON drinker who might have a drink once every three years or so. Funny though, it use to make me warm and lightheaded... it does'nt do that since wls. No buzz here. lol
   — Danmark

December 29, 2003
I have had wine a couple of times, iced down pretty well. Haven't had any problems with it. I tried to drink a low-carb beer once, drank about half, and just didn't like the way it "sat" in my tummy. Lynette, thanks for the tips about the California wines. I will watch for that.
   — Carlita

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