Can someone help me in updating my profile?

I am logge on as a member. I can bring up my profile, but when I click on any item in the update profile it says error, see administrator. I have emailed the administrator and still have no luck in updating. I thought maybe I was doing something wrong. If anyone out there has had this problem please let me know what you did to solve it. I do know there is tons of info in there, because I spent hours last Sat. 4-29. sharing information about myself and my surgery. I sure would hate to loose all that. Thanks in advance and I look forward to hearing from someone.    — Laurenn M. (posted on May 4, 2000)

May 4, 2000
Hi. I would delete your file and start over. That is what I had to do. I know...A bummer when you have spent time doing your profile and stuff. If you can, print your profile so you can just re-type the info. Hope this helps some what! Kristin
   — MissAuntieK

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