Where can I find something sugar free?

Help!! I'm having RNY surgery next week 6/22. I read so much about sugar being bad for us and causing "dumping". I went to the grocery store and can't find anything without sugar. Except nutrasweet and I really don't want to use that if I don't have to. Are there any suggestions. Or, is there a certin Gram of sugar level we can tolerate or is it absolutely zero tolerence?    — Teresa O. (posted on June 14, 2000)

June 14, 2000
Try the sugar-free ice cream bars from Blue Bunny...they are great. Blue Bunny also makes a yogurt with alot less sugar than Dannon...and the Banana's Foster flavor is to die for! I had the RNY on May 8th and I've been able to eat foods with up to 4 or 5 grams of sugar...haven't really tried anything else. Also...I couldn't accept that I would never have chocolate milk again so I found a sugar-free chocolate syrup....only need a few drops because it tastes really sweet. I even add a few drops in my chocolate protien mix...tastes less chalky that way. But beware...the only thing that has made me sick was a small chunk of very ripe watermelon. I didn't throw up...just felt nauseated and noticed my heart was beating so fast and hard that I couldn't even go to sleep. Hope some of this info helps!
   — Tracey D.

June 14, 2000
I have to second the Blue Bunny bars. They are yummy. However, I don't think they are actually sugar-free, they are "no sugar added." There are quite a few products listed that way, including Carnation instant breakfast and Dreyer's ice cream. I have found no-sugar-added peanut butter and jelly, sugar free chocolate syrup & maple syrup. I found all of these, except the chocolate syrup at Albertson's. They also carry sugar free cookies & even a cake mix (haven't tried those yet). I got the choc syrup at a health food store. I used to really hate the taste of artificial sweeteners, but I've really gotten used to them now. I prefer sweet & low. You can buy it in a box for measuring & adding to recipes. I made whipped cream for my family with sweet & low & they said it was the best whipped cream they'd had. I don't plan to ever use sugar in whipped cream again! Honestly, sugar free pudding is just as good as regular. Don't worry, your tastes will adjust--after so long without sugar, they HAVE to!! I have found that I can tolerate about 8 grams of sugar in a meal or at a time. Don't know if I could handle more than that, as I haven't tried & don't want to! I stii cannot stand any of those sugar free protein bars, tho....YUK! And LOTS of calories, too. Good luck!
   — Kathy W.

June 14, 2000
Hey, So far I have only dumped one time. But I am only 3 weeks post op and I dumped on my protein shake because I drank it too fast. I found that the sugar free popsicles are wonderful and only 15 calories a piece and 3 carb a pce. I am afraid that most everything sugar free will be loaded with nutrasweet. They add it to everything. I have to be careful with my intake or nutrasweet because it triggers migraine headaches. If you notice on the baby food fruits you were eating at first, they are full of carbs and sugars. AS high as 19-25gms!! I had no problem with these. Also, gatorage has 14 gms per serving I think. You will just have to experiment. I am working hard to keep my carbs and fats limited. And make sure I get the prot I need. I found a great tasting powder at GNC. Its call promax. It has 50 gms of prot per 2 scoops. I use one scoop in the morning with 3/4 cup of milk and a banana. I blend it up with my hand blender and add some ice and sip on it of at least an hour. It fills me up so much that sometimes Iforget I HAVE to eat something else. It is also full of amnio-acids and most of the vits when need post op. Especially, calcium, folate and B12. I hope this helps some. Good luck with your surgery Valerie
   — Valerie B.

June 15, 2000
GNC has a line of Dr. Atkins prodcuts that are sugar free. Try there
   — Barbara P.

June 15, 2000
You should be able to find sugar free foods at the grocery store or at the local health food store. Diabetics have used these resources for a long time. Good luck with your surgery. My prayers are with you.
   — char T.

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