How much weight should I be losing?

I am 3 months post-op and have lost 40 lbs. At this point I'm losing about 2-3 lbs per week. I started out at 297. Am I weight fast enough?    — C. G. (posted on August 31, 2000)

August 31, 2000
I just had a Dr. appt yesterday and got in trouble for losing weight too fast - a major switch for me! I started at 286 on May 1st, lost 20 pounds before surgery and had open RNY and gall bladder removal on June 23rd. Anyway yesterday I weighed 229. So I have lost 37 pounds in the nine weeks since surgery. My doctor said that he wants to see me losing only 2 pounds per week. He says that losing too fast puts me at risk for "shocking" my body into hair loss and other problems. So hang in there and remember slow but steady! Good luck and I hope this helps.
   — Andrea P.

September 1, 2000
My doctor told me that 1-3 pounds a week is normal. Sounds like you're doing great!
   — cheryl W.

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