Why do I vomit everytime I eat bread?

I can eat everything but bread. I have tried garlic bread and a turkey sandwich, and both times I got sick within 5 minutes.    — Robin Q. (posted on January 8, 2001)

January 8, 2001
Hi Robin, are you toasting the bread to remove the excess moisture? It was suggested that when we are first trying breads, use the "low cal" breads because the slices are much thinner and then toast them. It might be that the bread just lumps in your pouch and your bring it back up instead of digesting it. Just a thought. Good luck!
   — Stephanie D.

January 8, 2001
I was told that most breads "ball up" in our pouches. I suspect that's why you are vomiting. I have to avoid most breads, but have no problems with crackers or crusty edges of toast and pizza.
   — Cindy H.

January 8, 2001
I am almost 9 months post op & still eat very little bread. About 1/2 slice is the most I eat at one time & I don't do that very often. I, too, can eat crackers & do well with lunch meat, cheese, tuna, or canned chicken on a few crackers. I do sometimes miss bagels, biscuits & muffins, but...oh, well! :)
   — Kathy W.

January 8, 2001
Robin ... bread is the absolute kiss of death for me! I haven't had any to speak of since the day before my surgery last April, because it just sits there like a lump, until my stomach finally gives up and tosses it back. Doesn't even matter if it's toasted. Crackers, melba toast, croutons, and rice cakes are okay -- sometimes -- as is the CRUST ONLY of really crusty bread with all the bread part picked out of it. By and large, I don't miss it at all. I think we get sick because bread is too soft and lumps up in our pouch -- a small price to pay, in my opinion, for 120 pounds gone forever! Warm skinny thoughts always,
   — Cheryl Denomy

January 9, 2001
My friend had WLS 3 years ago and found that she had problems with bread & at her support group they suggested Potato Bread and that worked fine.
   — Colleen K.

September 29, 2005
I have trouble with bread also. I never understood the open sandwich. I would love a tuna sandwich.
   — Cynthia H.

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