I am 4 weeks post op and whenever I eat anything...

I feel nauseaus, but also get what feels like strong hunger, I eat a little more and it gets worse. This goes on until I vomit everything and then start all over again. Anyone had this feeling?    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 9, 2001)

January 9, 2001
I am 3 1/2 weeks post op and have been feeling much the same things you are. Most days even water makes me nauseus, (just a little). I have found that I may be eating my food too fast. So, I have tried slowing down my eating drastically, and this seems to help most of the time. I told my surgeon about this, and he is puzzled. I have to go back in 3 more weeks for him to see if it's any better. Good luck.
   — Carol R.

January 9, 2001
It sounds like you should call your surgeon and see if you can get in to see him. It is not normal to vomit all the time. The pains may not be hunger pains at all. I am not trying to scare you, but if you are getting sick every time you eat you need to get some help. Call your surgeon and see what he says. Good luck to you. Cindy
   — Cindy S.

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