I am looking for a support group in San Diego, CA as my Dr. has none. Can you help?

I am currently Preop.    — Cindy W (posted on July 2, 2001)

July 2, 2001
Hi there! I'm pre-op in San Diego. Pacific Bariatrics has support group meetings every last Wednesday of the month. Dr. Fobi also does open support group meetings in San Diego - check the AMOS calendar for those. I think Dr. Callery and Dr. Wittgrove might have meetings as well.
   — careywatkins

July 2, 2001
Dr. Callery has support groups in San Diego. They meet the third Thursday of the month at 6:00-7:30 in his office reception area in Poway. He also has an east county support group. I'm not sure when that group meets, but if you call his office, I'm sure they'll tell you.
   — Gina E.

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