Are you pleased with your Tummy Tuck and RNY together

I wouuld like to hear from those who have had both a Tummy Tuck and a RNY together. Where you happy with the results, or do you wish that you would have waited until reaching goal, and then having a tummy tuck. I am currently thinking about having both. Thank you for your responding to my question.    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 29, 2001)

July 30, 2001
I can't really answer your question fully as I'm only 3 months post op. However, I did have the open RNY and tummy tuck done at the same time. My decision was mostly financial- I could get the tummy tuck done now for $3500 or later for $3500 + $10000(hospital). I decided I would rather go for one recovery period, one hospitalization and the lesser cost. So far, I am very happy. I had my apron removed along with 13 lbs. The recovery didn't seem to take much longer than the "typical" RNY. I have lost 70 lbs. so far. I don't know if I'll have excess skin after losing the 150 I need to. Wish I could offer more insight. Good luck.
   — Brenda H.

July 30, 2001
I think a lot depends on how large your apron is before surgery. Mine was (relatively) not that large so I wanted to get it all done in one shot. I'm a chicken when it comes to surgery & didn't want to have to go back later on to get my tt. My stomach is now one of more attractive parts of my body-I don't regret having the tt at all.
   — Lori_B

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