Has federal BC/BS paid for anyone's reconstructive insurance?

I've seen where several people have been turned down for reconstructive insurance by federal BC/BS, but has anyone ever been successful in getting them to pay. I have 2 consults on 1/17 and another on 1/28. There's no way I can afford to pay out of pocket. I need a glimmer of hope.    — jan M. (posted on January 13, 2003)

January 14, 2003
jan i also have bc/bs fed. all my drs have advised me to take pictures of my body (as discreet as u possibly can so there wont be a developing problem if u dont have a polaroid or digital camera) showing my hanging apron, any rashes i might have, which i do, my 'down to the knees' breasts & any rashes under them, all from the front view & the side views. dont forget to take pics of the hanging rolls of skin on ur back & butt if u have that too. when the ps submits the surgery request, attach the pictures to it. it is very important that the dr submits for a panniculectomy or abdomenoplasty NOT a tummy tuck. either of these terms make the surgery a medical necessity where a 'tummy tuck' is cosmetic & bc will NOT approve it.
   — sheryl titone

January 17, 2003
The wording is so technical when it comes to BCBS. For the most part, TT where Federal BCBS is concerned is cosmetic UNLESS you or your surgeon can prove otherwise. My guess is that your MD or surgeon MUST submit it as a PANNICULECTOMY/ABDOMINOPLASTY as opposed to a tummy tuck. Sumitting pictures wouldn't hurt...
   — yourdivaness

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