I know what the TT is what is the rest.

   — Christine H. (posted on March 13, 2003)

March 12, 2003
Abdominoplasty is the tightening up of muscles and removal of excess skin from ribcage to waist. Panniculectomy is the same in the area below waist and above pubic area. Most of us need the panniculectomy, not all need abdominoplasty.
   — scottiemaam O.

March 13, 2003
Most people call every surgery that removes skin, fat from the abdomen a tummy tuck regardless of whether it involves the muscles or not. Abdominoplasty is most always the term used when they do a tummy tuck and it involves tightening the underlying muscles. They tighten the muscles and remove excess fat and skin from the ribs all the way down to the crotch. The term Panniculectomy I've heard almost always used exclusively to refer to the surgery where they remove your pannus. The area of skin and fat from the waist down to your crotch. In that surgery they don't do work to the stomach muscles, nor do they remove any fat left in your upper abdomen. Because everyone refers to the surgery in general as a tummy tuck its important to understand what exactly your doctor will do. The recovery when it involves working on the underlying muscles (and also to the extent of the work) is much longer. Also there are varying incision styles which will affect how many inches of incision you will have to heal, as well as the final result in many cases. The thigh lift removes any excess pocket of fat from your upper inner thigh, they remove any excess skin and stitch the incision along the inside of your leg crease. There is also a thigh lift that is much more involved that involves an incision down the entire inside of your thigh. Most surgeons won't perform them because they are much more difficult, lenthy and involved and have much, much higher incidents of post op problems or situations needing very close aftercare. Also its a situation where only those with the highest weight losses would benefit from it. Having your mons pubis lifted (AKA crotch lift) involves removing any fat from the area, removing the excess skin, and stitching the incision into the same incision line used for your tummy tuck (the bottom of the smiley face incision). Neither the thigh lift nor the crotch lift involve any muscle work. Its simply having to heal in incision line. If you have a poofy crotch when your to the point of having your tummy tuck you'll want to make sure you discuss having your crotch (mons pubis) area taken care of at the same time. Although some surgeons don't/won't just include it with the tummy tuck, its a simple procedure that makes sense to do at the same time. My PS takes care of that area when needed with every tummy tuck he does - no extra fee. I had to do mine in a separate touch up surgery and can tell you I felt very self conscious about having such a poofy crotch for those 6 months I had to wait. And when I did have it done it was quick and an easy recovery. I'd be happy to answer any questions you have and also the library should have lots of information on these topics.
   — Shelly S.

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