I am having alot of bloating and gas that is not being released

Yesterday and today the gas and bloating has caused me very extreme discomfort and pain. How long will it take for this to pass?    — Becky L. (posted on October 7, 2001)

October 7, 2001
I had it awful in the hospital and even requested something for the pain. They gave me something, but they also told me to walk around. I did a lot of walking and bending over - because that seemed to help release it. You don't say how far out you are but I think you can take gas-x for it.
   — K T.

October 7, 2001
What they told you in the hospital was right. Walk, walk, walk, walk!! Your intestines are very sensitive and when they got touched during surgery they kinda went to sleep for a little while there. That's why they (hopefully)constantly listened to see if you had bowel sounds to know if they were waking up. Walking stimulates peristalsis (movement of the bowels). So whether you have gas or are just constipated walking definitely helps even if you're only moving at 2 m.p.h. <smile> Good luck to you!! Can't wait 'til I get to the other side with you and all of the other post ops!!
   — Tiffany A.

October 7, 2001
And avoid milk & sugar as that just makes MORE gas. If you can manage it, you can put your shoulders down, put your bottom in the air and sometimes if you can hold that (the frog), you can get the release to start and it'll continue on its own. If this pain persists or if there is fever, please be at your doc's doorstep first thing, OK?
   — vitalady

October 7, 2001
I took simethicone caplets and it worked wonders.
   — Lisa B.

October 7, 2001
Some people get lactose intolerance after WLS, so avoid the dairy products or take one of those products that break it down for you. Also, try using GAS-X, we were told in our WLS classes that it helps. And that the best thing for gas was walking; helps it disseminate and resolve. Good luck!
   — Lisa D.

October 7, 2001
Take GAS-X or it's generic.
   — Danmark

September 1, 2002
I know we aren't supposed to have carbonated drinks but honestly, one or two sips of diet coke was the only thing that relieved that trapped gas feeling weeks 2-through-4 for me. Gas-X made me vomit. 5 weeks out and I rarely have this feeling any more. Diet Colas no longer taste good to me since surgery, so I haven't had a problem with wanting to drink it as a drink.
   — Darlene P.

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