I am 16 weeks post op. I lost 61 pounds initially over this four month period.

In the last couple of weeks I have noticed weight gain. I have gained 10 pounds over the last two weeks to be specific. I am not eating any differently than before. I do drink protien suppliments, but not daily. I walk for exercise. My hair is falling out by the handful and I have not had my period for two months. I am not pregnant (tested). Is there a possibility that my weight gain is connected with me not having my period? I am desperate for an answer. I am scared that I am going to continue to gain weight. I did talk to my surgeon about my hair falling out and not having a period. He said that some people go through these adjustments and if things don't get back to normal within the next couple of months to visit my gynecologist. Any suggestions about preventing further weight gain?    — [Anonymous] (posted on December 10, 2001)

December 10, 2001
I haven't had the surgery yet. I don't have an answer for you regarding the wt. gain. However, I've heard that there are medicated shampoos/conditioners you can get at the beauty shop, which won't make your hair grow back, but will help prevent further hair loss. The hair loss is generally due to not getting enough protein. I would suggest increasing your protein intake. Good Luck!
   — [Anonymous]

December 10, 2001
I can't access your profile so I don't know what type of surgery you had. If your stomach is not transected you could possibly have a disrupted staple line. If you are eating the way you normally did at the beginning and lost weight, but now are gaining it, I'd call you doctor back and see about getting a scope to see if that's what the problem is.
   — trtorrey

December 10, 2001
Keep a food diary for at least a week then take it to your nutronist, be sure to right down every single thing you put inn your mouth. Your likely fine. Scales arent all that accurate and I have seen my weight vary by 8 pounds depending on my water intake. I went from dehydration to well hydrated and noted the bounce on a very accurate scale. Relax, your doing great.
   — bob-haller

December 11, 2001
Is it possible you have a thyroid problem?
   — cindy Q.

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