Pregnancy - Has anyone gotten pregnant after there sugery?

I have two boys but my husband really wants a girl. Right now I don't even want anymore children but I am only 31 so I might change my mind. I was just wondering if anyone has waited their year and then gotten pregnant. If so how did it go? Did the baby get enough nutrients to thrive during pregnancy? My husband worries that if I have this surgery and get pregnant later on that the baby will have birth defects because I won't be able to eat enough to support the baby and myself. Any info would be helpful. Thanks    — dhogue (posted on February 7, 2002)

February 7, 2002
I am just a new post op, but this was one of the most important factors of the surgery for me, because I am only 27 and don't have any kids yet. My surgeon said that once your weight has leveled off, usually between 12-24 months, you are ok to have children. And as far as the nutrients, etc go, your surgeon and ob/gyn will adjust your diet as well as necessary vitamins, etc so that both you and the baby are healthy and happy. :) Best wishes to you, and I hope that helps some!
   — kimmer_742001

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