Anyone else have trouble eating? please read within

I am really starting to think a lot of this is all just in my head, seriously, I mean I can eat certain foods (example being canned spaghetti) and I will be fine, but if the wife makes it homemade it will make me sick, she tried different ways to make it, but every time I throw up, but I can eat any canned spaghetti with meatballs and I am fine, Raviolli makes me sick, I can eat a hamburger(it takes a while) from our arch enemy MC*Onald's and it is a 50/50 draw ( I know it is bad<I get sick, I don't think about it < I can eat it) I can go to subway and order a small(boy is that a difference LOL) sub (teriaki chicken) and I am fine, If I go to say a store and buy a regular sub, I can't eat it and I get sick. just yeasterday we went to a nice restaurant and I ordered a senior menu chopped steak (hamburger steak) eat about 1 ounce and was sick on the way home, (but I took the rest of it home and ate it just fine later in the evening. I don't know really just an observation I have made on my own... is anyone else having any problems like this? and if so please help me around this.... Thanks Chris (Lap rny 11/01/2002 starting weight 391 today's weight 237, 154 pounds GONE!!!)    — Christopher W. (posted on June 6, 2003)

June 6, 2003
been there, done that and still there sometimes :>) I think the canned pasta is easier on us because it is over-cooked, canned and sits soaking, basically, in sauce for however long until we open it. It nearly disinigrates in our pouch. Fresh or dried pasta even when over-cooked (blech) is still somewhat toughish and requires tons more chewing. I do better with burgers that our pressure cooked or steamed than I do fried or grilled, but McD's seem to sit well most of the time. I tell myself that my pouch thinks I'm wants what it wants when it wants it. So what may be good today, may stick and be awful tomorrow and vice-versa. It's definitely not all in your head!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 6, 2003
Sounds like you might be dumping on the added sugar or extra fat in the homemade version. Some of those sauces add sugar to them and you don't know it. Of course i am assuming that your wife is using a jarred sauce when she makes it at home. Maybe switch sauces and see if that helps. As for McDonald's, my guess would be the fat.
   — dkinson

June 6, 2003
Hi Christopher. You didn't mention how long it had been since your surgery, but I can tell you it WILL get better. I never thought it would. I am one of those lucky ones- I don't dump. Can eat sweets like they were nothing. But on the flip side of that, I have had a horrible time with just about anything else- especially meats. I am now almost 9 months post op and in the last month, I have been able to all of sudden, eat better. You mentioned the canned spaghetti and meatballs. This is my theory on that- the pasta has sit in the sauce for a long while making it really soft (same with Stouffers mac and cheese). And those meatballs, well, are we are really sure they are meat? They too are soft (they almost melt!) and go down well. The spaghetti your lovely wife makes is just too hard on your pouch right now. <i>Real</i> beef is dense and can cause you to upchuck (it does for me 80% of the time). I cannot eat the canned ravioli either which is so odd since its the same thing, just in another form. I'm glad you posted this because my husband thinks I am out of my mind when I tell him I can't eat ravioli, but can it the spaghetti! See? I'm not as crazy as he thought! Good luck to you Christopher!
   — karmiausnic

June 6, 2003
I am the original poster, it cut me off before I finished, I am 8 months post op lap rny 11/01/2002 down 154 pounds
   — Christopher W.

June 6, 2003
HI, I had spagetti that I had made and it went down just fine, I used ground chuck,angel air cappalinni(very thin spagetti),and added some canned tomatoes from my garden, from last year. It was heavenly. I drink tomato juice every other day( ok with my surgeon) and I dont dump I dont eat sweets, but no meat bothers me even MC*Ds. I also had Rare prime rib last week and took very tiny bits, (only 2 oz), chewed and it went down well no problems. However I can not eat left overs they hurt my tummy. (leftover syndrome) 5 weeks out open RNY down 32# good luck.
   — wizz46

June 6, 2003
Hi there. I can not eat spaghetti noodles unless they are large. To be honest angel hair pasta and those smaller noodles do not digest as well b/c we think we can chew them well enough but we can't. As for spaghetti have your wife try ravioli noodles or the large ziti noodles. They seem to do all right. Hamburger is very tough. I actully switched to Turkey Burger meat months before surgery b/c hamburger was harsh on me then. It tastes so much better and also there is little or no grease like with hamburger. I would ask that you and your wife try it to see if you can tolerate it. I am a big believer in following what the program states. NO MCDONALDS!
   — Kitty Kat

June 7, 2003
I've never eaten any canned spag or rav since my surgery (too much sugar), but I cannot eat spaghetti AT ALL. OK, 2-3 strands, then I'm done. Even if I overcook it myself, it still swells. I can eat other pastas and can eat a normal (for me) portion of angel hair, however. I just don't even try with spaghetti any more.
   — vitalady

June 9, 2003
I'm really glad that I'm not the only one who has found that canned spaghetti (specifically Spaghetti O's for me) is one of the easiest things to get down and stay down. When I tell people that they look at me like I'm crazy. I think it's partially because we're technically supposed to be steering clear of the carbs (pasta included) and because pasta is supposedly one of the most difficult things for most WLS patients. However, at this point in the game, I'm more interested in what stays down because there aren't too many things that do.
   — Amanda S.

June 9, 2003
I can't eat spaghetti at all though at 5 mos I can eat most pastas like bowties and ziti if I make it al dente, mix it with something else and chew chew chew. One of my husbands favorite dishes is ground beef over bow tie pasta with mushrooms and low fat beef gravy. I didn't make it for the longest time after surgery because I thought it would make me sick. I just made it again last month and it sits fine with me so long as I have twice as much beef as pasta (which is the opposite of how I used to eat it).
   — susanje

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