I am 2 months post and can eat more than most, WHY??

I feel like something is wrong with me since I have from the beginning been hungry and able to eat more than my friend who also had the same surgery from the same doctor. The day they discharged me I smelled coffee from the cafeteria and loved it! My friend say's she couldn't stand food for many months after surgery?    — Emely H. (posted on March 3, 2005)

March 3, 2005
Emely, we are all different in how we react after surgery. Some can eat what seems like huge amounts while others can only eat 1 or 2 bites. You are comparing yourself to others when, truly, the only comparison you need to make is to the before surgery you! Are you losing weight even tho you feel like you eat so much more? Are you feeling like you are getting healthier? These are the most important criteria to look at! I know people who ate and were hungry immediately after surgery! I personally had to force myself to eat anything for about 2 months! We are all different! Embrace that fact and then have fun losing!!! Carmen (Germany) Lap RNY 22Nov03 325/190/170
   — kccjer

March 3, 2005
Hey emely, I am 2 months out and eat stuff that some others cant. I love hot drinks I have been drinking coffee since the begining. Right after the surgery I drank hot water instead of cold it felt better tomy "little guy". Everyone is diffrent I try all kinds of food if it works great if not oh well I move on to something else. I love food so not wanting it was never a problem I do still watch my sugar and all the stuff I am suppose to and definately do not over eat. I am losing my weight (48 lbs so far) my Dr. said I am fine. Good luck and try not to stress to much just relax and enjoy your new journey. Kim
   — kmnae

March 3, 2005
You never up dated your profile, so I dont know what 'type' of surgery you had. IF you had the RNY you could have a failed stoma - which is why you can eat more than your 'peers' This is something that does happen, but surgeons rarely mention pre op - its basically the opposite of stricture.
   — star .

March 6, 2005
I wouldn't worry about it. I have been able to eat 4ozs (1/2 cup) ever since the beginning. My doctor & nutritionist say this is just fine. I am 6 weeks post-op. I get hungry also. Good luck to youu!!!
   — C G.

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