Insurance suggest body wraps, anyone tried it??

My insurance denied my tummy tuck, but the doctors actually suggested body wraps. They are supposed to be gauranted unless I gain weight. Has anyone tried this? DOes it work??    — jiggers (posted on September 12, 2001)

September 12, 2001
I know a woman who runs a Body Wrap salon. It's a bunch of hooey in my opinion. You're wrapped up with wet cloths soaked in herbs, etc. It may feel nice, but it doesn't do anything. I had a wrap at a elite salon once, also. My skin felt great for one day and I was very relaxed, but otherwise it's a total waste.
   — [Anonymous]

September 13, 2001
Don't listen to that crap. Body wraps, indeed!!! Body wraps are a temporary fix for some babe who wants to lose a pound or two of water weight so that she can shimmy into that little spandex dress. But, the "weight" comes back in a few hours. Your problem is excess skin and no body wap can help. Shame on whatever doctor suggested such a thing. An insurer will only pay for a tummy tuck if there are medical or functional reasons for it. Cosmetic procedures are always excluded. Interestingly, my sister who has lost 130lbs. (by dieting...) just had her tummy tuck approved. She has a huge, hanging apron. She appealled based on mobility issues, skin irritation problems, and the high risk of skin infections.
   — [Anonymous]

September 13, 2001
My sister in law had that done, very expensive. She lost about 15 pounds while she was doing it, but it is just water weight. She gained it back as soon as she stopped them.
   — alicialeew

September 15, 2001
It really makes one wonder what level of intelligent ins. companies are looking for when they hire this type of "buffoon" to be dealing with any aspect of health ins! This has got to be the weakest recommendation I have EVER heard of to a morbidly obese person to loose weight, or anyone ese for that matter! It makes me sick that people with this level of mentality can make the decisions of whether we can or cannot have WLS.
   — Raulene C.

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