What do you think of this? I had my 3 month check up

last week and have lost 48 of the 120 I want to lose. I told my Dr that I was frustrated by my slow wt loss. I could not believe my ears when he said "You must be eating to much." I never expected to hear thoses words again. I eat 800 cal or less per day. I looked him square in the eye and said "I hardly think so!" He then back peddled a little and said that it was harder to lose after 40, I am 58. He suggested that I up my exercise which I am doing but I felt really hurt that this man who specialized and earns a good living doing bariatric surgery fell back into that old Dr habit of blaming the Pt. I had the DS and would have to eat mega amounts of food for the procedure to fail if it was done as it should have been done. sorry this is annonymous but I am feeling somewhat paranoid.    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 28, 2002)

January 28, 2002
I would have been pretty pi--ed off too. I'm sure more exerrcise wouldn't hurt, but also think of it this way. When did you ever lose 4 pounds a week that you knew was going to stay off? It may also be that you are not eating enough. I've seen many posters who said when their loss slowed down they realized they weren't getting in enough protein and/or water. When they upped either or both of those, they started losing again. I wouldn't worry about the rate as long as it's coming off. The doctor needs a little sensitivity training in my book.
   — garw

January 28, 2002
Hi there. I know how you feel. At my 3 month check up I told my husband I was not going back to my Dr. The doctor really pissed me off. My hubby did talk me into returning and I think my doc had a bad day that day. Anyway- I am now 1 year post op and just about to goal. What I have found (for myself) is that I will slow down on my weight loss if I cut back on food. It goes against everything we (as morbidly obese people) have been told, but you need to increase your caloric intake to increase your weight loss. I wish you the best!
   — Cindy K.

January 28, 2002
Just because someone is a good surgeon does NOT mean they are a good nutritional counselor. I frankly think your weight loss is great. You have lost a huge chunk of the weight you want to lose in the first 3 months! You will actively continue to lose weight for at least another 9-15 months, so I'm sure you will be successful. Good luck.
   — Terissa R.

January 28, 2002
I swear I could have written this question myself. The only difference is that I am 7 wks. out to your 3 months and have lost 31 lbs. of the 150 I want to lose. I saw my surgeon for a follow up visit a week ago and he told me I should be losing 5 lbs. a week and asked me what I was eating. At that time I was supposed to still be on mashed potatoes, creamd soups, puddings, etc. and I told him that. He said "Those are all high calorie foods and you need to stay away from them, then your surgery will start working again." I said "But that's what you TOLD me to eat!" He just smiled. I didn't think mys urgery had stopped working, not at 7 wks. out anyway. And the man knows NOTHING about nutrition. I had an open VBG Dec. 11th and have been very discouraged since I left his office. He wants me to follow the "Sugar Busters" diet, have you read that thing? I am trying to walk a mile every day and I HATE to exercise (duh) so it is a real challenge for me. I have no idea what to eat,...I am trying to just take it one day at a time but I sure cry alot now. :(
   — esthjb

January 28, 2002
I think your weight loss is SUPER!! I am also 3 months out and have also lost 48 lbs. I saw my surgeon last week and he said that I was ahead of schedule. That was encouraging being that I am a lightweight, and we usually lose slower. I had 110 to lose and he said that I had lost 44% of my excess, all in 3 months time. You should be proud of your loss, its a huge accomplishment. Your doc must have been having an off day. Oh, and I'm 32 and you still lost the same amount as me. That should make you feel good. Enjoy your journey!!
   — Cheri M.

January 28, 2002
Your doc's ignorance is showing. He sounds like someone more familiar with the RNY who was dragged into the 21st Century to do the DS, but doesn't truly understand the procedure. When I had my DS (2 1/3 yrs ago) I was the 7th patient and while my surgeon was knowledgeable, the nutritionists kept giving me the "low fat, low sugar" yahda yahda for the RNY which I TOTALLY BLEW OFF! You were RIGHT to call him on his punitive attitude! He is also WRONG about your age. I was 50 at time of surgery and lost my weight without effort. My girlfriend was 68 and a year later is a size 6! If your surgeon does get up to speed you can get good information from your peers at and the dspostopfrinds list. If anything, you probably need to INCREASE your fat intake. My personal post-op diet was a McD's Bacon Egg and Cheese bisquit for breakfast and 8 lbs of pistacchio nuts per week for snacks. Whatever tastes good and is high in protein and fat is going to maximize the speed of our weight loss. And NO I wouldn't be caught dead eating a Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choice dinner -- YUCK.
   — Jill L.

January 28, 2002
I had my three month check up yesterday. I had lost 50 pounds. My doctor told me that he was very pleased with my progress. It sounds like you are right on target. Some people will lose faster than others but if you have lost 48 pounds in three months I think that is good.
   — blank first name B.

January 28, 2002
I have to agree with jill on this one. I didn not follow the doctors eating plan witht he BPD/DS because the eating plan was for the ring and the RNY. He was just not up to date at that time with the nutruition that the BPD patients needed. When I upped my fat intake, I started losing weight. sounds crazy but it happened. Of course you have to get in your protein and water but...the fat helped me basically (poop out) the food. Sounds gross but I lost very quickly. I too am over 40 so I really doubt that that makes much difference. Good luck to you.
   — Barbara H.

January 29, 2002
I just had to respond to this question. I am pre-op so you can take my response with a grain of salt. I hate doctors that feed that stereotype. I've encountered doctors that treated me this way all my life. You would think that someone who treats the MO everyday would be more sensitive. Now that I have that off my chest I would think that any doctor would think it was great to lose 48lbs in any time frame. I hear that at 6 months you tend to be at the half way mark in weight lose. You are almost half way to your goal in 3 months. You have no worries. Tell that doctor to shove it and be proud of what you have lost. Just my 2 cents.
   — Alison N.

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