What exactly is the difference between an panniculectomy and a abdominoplasty ?

I swear I looked this up in the library before I posted. : )    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 1, 2002)

February 1, 2002
Hi! You might get a better search if you look for a TT or Tummy Tuck as the abdominoplasty is often referred to! I hope to be having a TT in the next few months myself! The panni just removes the excess skin from the lower abdomen. They basically cut hip to hip, very low down, separate the skin from the underlying tissue, pull it down and cut off the excess and stitch it back up. The abdominoplasty/TT/Tummy tuck is much more thorough. . .Same incision (from what I understand) but the skin is loosened from the underlying tissue/muscles all the way up to under your breasts. The abdominal muscles are tightened up and basically sewn back together (since they have often separated after MO or pregnancy stretching them out), the skin is pulled down, excess removed and stitched back up. I've heard that the skin that is now around your waist will end up at your pelvis. . .great for those stretch marks too - take them away!! LOL! As you can imagine, the TT can yield some pretty amazing results and really seems to give you the ability to stay really firm and maybe even get those 6-pack abs we've always dreamed about!! =) Blessings,
   — ChristiMNB

February 1, 2002
Email me if you want some web links to look at concerning this. Hugs, Joelle
   — Joelle B.

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