9 days post-op, lap RYN, had a leak and on a TPN until the 18th

Has anyone had this surgery and ended up with a leak? I am on a Nutrional feeding tube through my neck until the 18th. Can't eat or drink anything except for a sip of water with meds. I have had diarreah since the surgery so they put me on a strong antibotic. Since I cant eat or drink, it is making me feel sick. I still have some pain on my side and my back is killing me!! (I have had previous back problems and the doc doesnt think this pain is surgery related). I am feeling a little down and I was wondering if there is anyone who has had this and how long until it got better.    — Debbie W. (posted on October 5, 2002)

October 5, 2002
My husband had a leak, 7 yrs ago. Had 2 surgeries in 5 days. He's doing great today! And yes, he had the tube in the neck. Has a scar there today (very small, kinda sexy), but I have HIM, saved from Sleep Apnea, diabetes, high BP, high cholesterol, lousy attitude and a million more things.
   — vitalady

October 5, 2002
Hello Debbie.... I had lap rny on 9/6. I was in surgery for 9 hours, and complained of pain in my upper left side from day one till I was released 5 days later. To make a long story short, I was rushed back to the hospital the day I was released and found out I had an abscess in my stomach from a leak. It turned out that I also had a hematoma of the spleen and a blood clot in myleg. I'm home now, but not allowed to eat or drink anything (even water) for another month. I have a picc line that I feed myself with and that I give myself antibiotics with 6 times daily. I posted a similar question and got many responses from other people who have had leaks. If you go to search and type in leak, you should find my question there. I am going to have a ct scan this coming week to find out if the leak is healed. If you need to email me, please feel free. I know what you are going though, and how depressing it is. My thoughts are with you.
   — JM B.

October 5, 2002
Hi, Sorry you are having such a rough time. I also had a Leak and was on TPN for 3 months. I was allowed nothing except ice chips by mouth for the entire 3 months. I also had a PIC line in and was giving myself Antibiotics and Vitamins through it. I was sick everyday for 3 months. I know this is not what you want to hear. Now I am 18 mos post-op and down -157lbs.I feel pretty good. I just kept telling myself that this to shall pass. Just take one day at a time. Read my profile under Lynbaby. E-mail me if you want to talk.
   — lynbaby B.

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