I can't throw up!

I'm 4 1/2 weeks post-op from a transected proximal RNY. I have never thrown up (since surgery). Today I ate 2 veggie meatballs plus about 2 spoonfuls of spaghetti sauce (about 1.5 ounces of food) and was so full that I really, really hurt and wanted to GET IT OUT. I couldn't. I even stuck my finger in the back of my throat, but I couldn't throw it up. I don't normally WANT to throw up, but I thought that was what's supposed to happen if we eat too much. Anyone else have this problem? I know I should just not overeat to avoid it, but I didn't think the 2 veggie meatballs would really be too much. I'm still learning! What happens if I really overeat and can't throw it up? I don't want to hurt my pouch!    — ediecat (posted on October 28, 2002)

October 28, 2002
Before surgery, I hated to throw-up, but now when I eat something that doesn't agree with me, I would rather toss it. When it is to the point that it hurts, I am not going to tough it out, I want to feel better. I am 10 months out and it is very easy for me to throw up. Someone told me that when you're like a year out it's hard to throw up. All I have to do it start thinking about throwing it up, that's all it takes for me. If you can tough it out then it is better then throwing up all the time.
   — bbjnay

October 28, 2002
Susan, I have found that I don't throw up. My dumping goes the other way. When I eat too much or too fast it is a very unconfortable feeling, but it passes within 30 mins - 1 hour. At first you just have to experiment to find out what doesn't agree. I am almost 6 months post-op and am feeling great. Good luck.
   — JoAnna C.

October 29, 2002
I have never been able to throw up, even when I wanted to. Like you, I tried the finger in the throat and nothing. When I ate too much in the beginning, it was horrific pouch pain that could last anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours. My nutritionist suggested buying papaya enzyme. You can find it at GNC stores. When you feel that pain, take 3 enzyme tablets, chew them up well and take them with a hot/warm liquid, like heated water or tea. I only got to do this once, but it did help. It does take a while to learn your limits. You'll get there.
   — Cindy R.

October 29, 2002
I know this is gross, but I had the same problem and sometimes needed to "take the top off" of my stomach. What I would do, if I ate too much or something that didn't settle well, I would immediately drink water and for whatever reason that would help me bring it back up. The longer I waited, the faster the food was gone out of my pouch!
   — Sherry C.

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