One of my incisions had a small purple bump under it

I had lap RYN about 11 weeks ago and I noticed one of my incisions looked funny. It doesnt bother me except I am wondering why all of a sudden it has a deep purple knot in the middle of it. Anyone have this happen?    — Debbie W. (posted on December 17, 2002)

December 17, 2002
Hey there, my surgeon told me that it is the stitches that are migrating to the surface. My lap RNY was November 15th, had to have some removed because they were pulling on my clothes. He said that it's possible for those stitches to migrate for sometime. Try not to worry. Whenever it comes through, just go to the doc and have them snip it out.
   — Leigh G.

December 18, 2002
I had that same thing happen to mine. It eventually went away and never caused me any trouble. Hope this helps.
   — denaa

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