What have been weight loss results the seconds six months post op?

I posted the to the message board but I am very anxious for some responses! I will be six months post op on Sunday, I have lost about 95 pounds and am THRILLED! I still have weight to lose, 80 pounds would be great but I would be happy with 50 pounds! I went to a website that someone had mentioned and it talked about the honeymoon period being the first 6 months. I started at 346, currently 251. I am 5'8". Anyone out there who had similiar stats and is done with their weight loss? I really want to get those 50 off! Thanks!    — Trisha S. (posted on February 12, 2003)

February 12, 2003
Hi, Trisha. My stats are really close to yours. I am just under 5'9 & weighed 350 when I had surgery 3 years ago. I had lost 120 pounds at 6 months, 150 pounds at 9 months, & 170 pounds at 1 year. I have lost an additional 25 pounds since then (mostly after my tummy tuck a year ago) & have now settled at around 155 pounds. I have never really had to struggle with my weight loss; it has just seemed to happen on its own. My loss tapered off as I approached my goal. I did settle for awhile at about 175 to 180 pounds & I was happy at that weight & satisfied with that result. Then, after my tt, I just lost another 20-25 pounds. I didn't really try; again, it just happened. It seems my body has now developed its own new set-point. I am VERY happy at this weight & have maintained it for about a year with no effort whatsoever. I eat whatever I want, altho I DO watch my diet & try to eat wisely. I take my vites & stay on top of my labs. I exercise & lead a very physically active life now. BTW, I was concerned about my calcium levels so just recently had a bone scan done & it came out great. I couldn't be doing better. I really hope you have as great of results as I. Best of luck to ya!
   — Kathy W.

February 12, 2003
hi there :) i startd at 5ft 9 370, at 3 months i had lost i think 75, 6 months 124 and at 1 year post op 185lbs, i now weigh 185, it has slowwed which is normal but im still losing, its become a bit more of a challenge but im still glad to be losing! id love to lose maybe 30 40 more! ill get there! :) best of luck to you! :)
   — carrie M.

February 12, 2003
Hi Trisha - I'm 5'8" with a starting weight of 298. I'm 7 months post-op and down 110lbs. The past 2 months or so I have still be losing consistently, an average of 2 pounds a week. I am quite content with this. I think as long we don't panic, stick to the high protein with good carbs (fruits & veggies) and really minimize the "bad" carbs, we'll do well for quite awhile. I'd like to lose another 20, maybe 30 pounds. But that includes any I might lose with panni removal/tummy tuck. I'm sure you'll do fine with those last 50 if you just keep doing what you've been doing! Best wishes to you on your continued success! - Anna
   — Anna L.

February 12, 2003
I'm 21 months out (Open RNY 5-8-01) and I'm about 5'3 or close to it. I lost 108 the first six months and 29 pounds the next six months. Quite a drop!
   — Danmark

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