I don't think I dump. If I were to dump on anything, what would it be?

Not that I want to, but I'm 4 months out, and haven't dumped yet - on anything. I even had 2 bites of a birthday cake the other day (no, I'm not making a habit out of it) and nothing. Am I one of those unlucky 30% that don't dump?    — jengrz (posted on March 11, 2003)

March 11, 2003
I am still pre-op; however, I thought perhaps I could offer a suggestion to you that I plan on doing for myself. I don't plan to find out if I dump. I know you had two bites of cake; perhaps that just wasn't enough to cause you to dump; however, if I were you I would avoid all sweets like the plague because you don't want to find out that you don't. Remember, sometimes it's what you DON'T know can't hurt you. Good luck to you! :0)
   — denisel

March 11, 2003
I, too, do not dump sweets. Or fats. I Do dump large amounts of dairy. A little milk in my cereal or coffee is ok, but if I plan on drinking milk I can only drink SOY milk. Protein shakes with soy are all I can drink, as well. Ice cream is out for me, too, boo hoo. Each person is different but this is my experience. Dairy only.I did not even think I'd know the symptoms of dumping but trust WILL!
   — kim C.

March 11, 2003
2 bites of cake, you probably haven't reached your dumping limit. I suggest like the other poster, Don't test it, just assume you do. You sound like your doing well!
   — ZZ S.

March 11, 2003
Didja eat just the cake or the frosting as well? Cake I can eat, but I cannot eat the frosting. I don't dump on Coke, but I will on a sugary coffee drink (perhaps the additional milk). I won't dump on a 1/4 cup or 1/3 cup of ice cream but I will on 1/2 cup. Also depends on the flavor! It just all depends!
   — Karen R.

March 11, 2003
I am just about 5 months post op. I didn't want to test the dumping thing either like the previous poster, but I have accidentally. I ate a protein bar and had mild dumping - tired and mild nausea. However, I had a small piece of lasagna (eggplant spinach lasagna to be exact) and definitely dumped. I was very nauseous and so tired that I fell asleep for a 1/2 hour. I have had a tiny piece of cake with icing once and it didn't have an effect on me. I've also had one Hershey kiss at Valentine's Day and that didn't bother me either.
   — Yolanda J.

March 12, 2003
Thanks everyone for their input - this site is great!
   — jengrz

March 12, 2003
Early on I would purposfully push the limit to see how far I could go before dumping. I don't know if its a blessing or curse, but I don't dump. I never had a sweet tooth pre-op and still don't, but I can eat sweets all day long if I wanted to. Everyone is different and your pouch can be different every day. You could eat something today that causes no problems yet try it again the next day and get sick- same thing, same amount. Our pouch are emotional little boogers....Good luck!......Karen (lap rny- almost 6 mons. post-op- down 118 pounds!)
   — karmiausnic

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