4 months out - is this it?

I'm considered a "lightweight" and had 100lbs to lose. I've lost 50lbs but the scale hasn't moved in a month. I talked to my surgeon and told him how much I lost and he said, "Great, you must almost be done." I had a proximal with 100cm. Was this enough to have bypassed? Am I done?    — jengrz (posted on March 15, 2003)

March 15, 2003
Jennifer, the window of opportunity is 18-24 months. You may just be on a plateau. Make sure you are drinking at least 64 oz of water and getting in all your protein. Up your exercise and you may notice your weight coming off again. Also, be sure to watch the carbs and cut them out if you still want to lose weight!
   — JoAnn B.

March 15, 2003
Jennifer, you are definately not done! You are probably on plateau right now, and they can be frustrating, but they do go away. Try to get more protein, even 5 more grams a day can help jumpstart the weight loss. Try switching your food up a little, or exercise one more day a week for a little bit. All sorts of little tricks that can help. But, you are halfway from your goal already in just 4 months- that is excellent! 100cm was enough to bypass, there are people much heavier with much less bypasses, and have still lost alot of weight. We are lightweights, so we're not supposed to have too much bypassed. I was 250lbs. before my LAP RNY and at 9 months I am now 135lbs. with only 5 more to go. Don't worry- you will get there despite the bumps along the way, and weightloss slows down usually after 6 months, but don't get frustrated- it will happen! Goodluck to you :)
   — Lezlie Y.

March 15, 2003
Jennifer - I am so with you! I am 4 months post op and down 70 lbs, but the scale hasn't moved in a month!! I am also starting to fear that I am done. Good Luck!
   — kandi S.

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