I thought I had dumped before but this was the real thing. I am 18 mos

postop and have never had this happen. I was having one of those "can't eat today" days and was craving something. I had some of the Somersweet crunch dark chocolate bars and so I ate one with some coffee and started working on a project I had. I was stripping the protective coating off of some copper bowls. Wow, I got so sick! I couldn't even finish the project. Started sweating profusely, shaking, light headed, turned pale, and had to go lie down. I went to sleep and slept 4 hours!!! I have never had that happen. I mean the room was spinning and everything. Now it is late and I haven't even started to get ready for work tomorrow. I still feel strange. My question is : at this far postop, why would a no sugar somersweet bar do this? Could it have been the fumes from the stripping compound? The Somersweet bar had 16 g of sugar alcohol but zero sugar. Has this happened to any of you so unexpectedly?    — Mylou52 (posted on May 7, 2003)

May 7, 2003
Some people are (or become) sensative to sugar-alcohols. If it were me, I'd try it again on a weekend, in a different environment away from "fumes" and see if it happens again. If it does, avoid sugar-alcohols. If it doesn't then it was either a fluke OR the fumes.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 7, 2003
wanted to add that it could have been the sugar-alcohol hit you particularly hard because you hadn't eaten well that day. Just an after-thought :>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 7, 2003
I am no where near as far out as you are, 3 months, but around 6 weeks or so, I had half of a protein bar (0 sugar,18 sugar alcohol carbs) and ended up feeling the same way...but only had to sleep it off for about 45 minutes. Then, around 8 weeks, I was foolish enough to try a half of a bar, in another flavor, in a pinch, while out shopping once and had it happen again and had to go home in a hurry...thankfully my hubby was with me. I also agree with the last poster...that you might find that it could have something to do with how little else you had eaten that day.
   — eaamc

May 8, 2003
Dont forget the CAFFEINE you AND chocolate. That'll make you feel pukey too.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 5, 2003
I agree with Ruth about the sugar alcohols. If my pouch is empty, or my sugar intake is really low for the day (which it usually is because I keep sugars UNDER 10 grams per meal) I will dump. It's as if someone smacked me upside the head with a bat: I can barely hold my eyes open, the room spins, I feel really warm, and it feels like my heart is going to pound out of my chest! If I get a craving for some sugar free foods (with higher sugar alcohol) I make sure a eat a little protein first, even just a bite or two. This web-site is great isn't it. Sometimes I feel so alone on a subject and look here and bam, there it is. I can count the number of times I have "dumped" on one far. And every single one of them were all "accidental", meaning, my pouch was just to sensitive at that particular moment. I hope my dumping trigger is always so sensitive. Some people don't have that advantage. Good luck to you!
   — Dana B.

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