how much excess skin and fat is removed duringt tummy tuck,and how much weigh is gone

i'm waiting on approval for tummy tuck.the surgeon said i will probably get it due to the rashes and infections i keep under my stomach.but i was wandering how much excess fat and skin is removed and how much weight is lost during tummy tuck adn after?    — edna S. (posted on July 18, 2003)

July 18, 2003
Edna, it depends on the size of your pannicula (the hanging apron of fat). I think I lost about 15 pounds of skin and fat, but I had my boobs done at the same time, and that was another couple of pounds too. Then they took 17 or so from one leg and 18 pounds of skin from the other it really depends on how much the individual has...Good Luck to you!~
   — merri B.

July 18, 2003
Hey, Merri! Congrats on the PS! :):) Long time, no hear, DS sister! :):) I think it does depend on your panni, etc. I did not have a lot of excess skin.. I'm not even sure how much my PS took off. When I asked him to estimate before surgery, he said it wasn't even a matter of poundage in my case but contouring. I would guess it was 3-5 lbs? I'm going to ask next week - It should be in the surgery report. So, in my case I didn't really lose much but I am so much more comfortable with that extra skin hanging around! Also, I got a full abdominoplasty so my muscles were all tightened. What a relief! I'm still a little swollen ,but it's a lot less than I anticipated. So far, so good! All the best, Teresa (lap bpd/ds, '01, Emergency strangulated hernia repair, '02, Incisional hernia repair/abdominoplasty July 8, '03)
   — Teresa N.

July 18, 2003
my ps only removed about 2.5 pnds of skin but he could have remmoved more. I have to have a revision done since he didnt take off enough. It varies from person to person and how much skin you have...sometimes if they do lipo ur gonna lose weight from that or if they are just removing skin...i didnt lose much weight maybe a couple of pnds but it is much nicer to have most of the skin gone now i am looking forward to him finishing the job! good luck to you
   — Deanna Wise

July 20, 2003
My PS removed 5 pounds of skin. He said I didn't have any fat in the stomach area - just skin. It made a HUGE difference in the way I look.
   — Patty H.

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