What do I do now?

I had surgery nearly four years ago, and unfortunately I didn't get dumping as I had hoped. I had no problem with sugar, and have gained back 86lbs. I feel like an incredible failure, and I am hoping for some guidance with this? I am now living in the Merrimack Valley in Massachusetts, and I have no idea of what hospitals up here have support groups, etc..    — Kimberly W. (posted on September 11, 2003)

September 11, 2003
I have not had the suegery yet, but I am in the process. I would think that you really need to call the hospitals to see and even call some of the doctors in the area to see. GOOD LUCK and GOD BLESS, I hope all is well with you.
   — Steffanie J.

September 11, 2003
Kimberley, have you thought about seeing a doctor to have your surgery checked out -- to see if there has been a surgical failure, such as a staple line disruption or enlarged stoma? I think they can do a barium/upper GI series to check those things out for you. It's possible you may be a candidate for a revision surgery, if you're able to eat a lot more now due to your surgery failing.<P>If the surgery's intact, then you can try what lots of other people here do ... eating a high-protein, low carb, low-or-no sugar diet, plus increasing water intake and increasing exercise. Eating several smaller meals a day, instead of three big meals a day. Cutting out noncomplex carbs (junk food). Tracking what you eat on, to see where your calorie and protein and carb intake figures are really at. If sugars are the culprit, have you tried cutting sugars out entirely, or at least cutting back by using sugar substitutes? Also, do you drink with your meals, or do you wait 30 minutes after a meal before drinking, to help keep that "full" feeling in your pouch? Do you use protein shakes? Do you drink a lot of sugar (in Cokes, fruit juices, etc.?).<P>There's also a support group on Yahoo, in the "OSSG" groups (obesity surgery support groups), I think it's called "Off-Track," for people trying to get back on track. You might also try joining/subscribing to that group.<P>Good luck!!!!
   — Suzy C.

September 11, 2003
Hi, There is somthing called the pouch rules.It has proven to work on alot of people.I will see if I can find it for you.But you are not a failure you just slipped up.Dont let it get you down.This surgery is a tool for life.It is not a one time use.The site evan talks about a lady that had her surgery along time ago and follwed these rules and lost all her weight.If I don't get the site for you someone else may know where to find it.But it is called the pouch rules by DigitalHorseWoman.I will try to find it again Good Luck Robin Burch
   — madbird

September 11, 2003
Here is the link to POUCH RULES:<p>
   — ~~Stacie~~

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