
Does anyone practice skin brushing and do you think it helps with excess skin? I did it for a while a few years ago and it was invigorating, but I wasn't loosing weight, so don't know if it had any effect. I'm now 7 weeks post op and the "shar pei" signs are starting and I wondered if this might help. For those who aren't familiar: skin brushing is a practice that's supposed to rid you of toxin based on the premise that your skin is your largest organ. You use a soft hog bristle brush and brush in short strokes from your extremities to your stomach - doing all your skin. When I did it, it felt great (probably the same way my dog feels after I brush her, LOL!) and it probably exfoliated pretty well. It's a little tedious to do, but probably wouldn't hurt. Wonder if it will save me from too much plastic surgery (probably not! I'm already feeling saggy/baggy!) Any thoughts you have would be appreciated!    — w8free (posted on November 9, 2003)

November 9, 2003
I don't see why it would work. It would be nice though. However if it feels good, why not do it for that reason? ;)
   — Danmark

November 9, 2003
I, too, doubt that it will help with sagging skin, but it may have other benefits. For example, my skin seems to be particulary dry since surgery, and this brushing might help bring natural oils to the surface. As you mentioned, it's also a great exfoliator, and I can see how it might relax the muscles. I can't imagine how it could hurt you, so I say go ahead! I might try it myself...
   — Vespa R.

November 9, 2003
I think skin sags because it has lost its elasticity on the inside.
   — mrsmyranow

November 9, 2003
Elizabeth, I've never heard of "skin brushing", but I wonder if deeper stimulation such as massage might help by bringing blood flow to the outer skin layers? Would that help sagging? don't know. I plan to do all I can whether it works or not! In preparation I'm slathering my body with rich oily lotions and creams.
   — Soosan

November 10, 2003
I have not heard of this either. However, you are only 7 weeks out and your stomach is still healing. I would be concern now if you had that done. I would recommand exercising (walking, weights, and swimming). No weights until you get the ok from your doctor (especially in the stomach area). I'm not saying exercise will get rid of all the sagging skin but it will help. Drinking milk is also very import to the elasticallly of the skin. I'm 7 months post-op and have lost 140 lbs and I have no hanging skin in my face or arms. Now my legs are another store. Good Luck!
   — Linda R.

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